Saturday, 24 August 2013

What is DBMS ?

What is Dbms -: Dbms(Data base Management System) is a collection of a related data or set of program to access those data .The collection of data refer to as database.The primary goal of the
database is to retrieve and store the database information .and the both convenient and efficient
manner.Database are design to  manage large bodies of a information. It is general purpose software
that facilitates to construct ,manipulate and showing the database among the various user and application .Defining the database involves the specifying the data types ,data structure and constraints of data that can be store in the database .The data definition and data description are also store in the the database in the form of data catalog and data dictionary .Some function can be perform on the database are-:

1-Data can be added to the database.
2-Inserting the data into the existing file.
3-retrieving the data from the existing file.
4.Deleting the data from the existing file .
5.Manipulating the data through the use of the function is query and update